Well, if you feel you really need to contact me, here are some addies.
Send questions, remarks, constructive criticism, congratulations, praise and presents to EH_Tempest@gmx.net.
If you want to rant, flame, tell me you like TIE-95, or sell me penis enlargement pills, the addy is NIL@void.com.
My ICQ number is 62730317.
If you are lucky, you might also run into me on #airlock54 (undernet).
You can have a look on my TC profile at http://www.ehtiecorps.org/rosters/personnel.asp?record=5779.
However, for anybody wishing to contact the current mantainer (hoster) of this splendid site, you should contact Lt. Colonel Zósite Kónstyte Styles at ZositeKS@gmail.com.