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Uniform Archive (a.k.a. Sepulcher of the Battledress)

These are all template graphics for the old TC uniforms. To make it more difficult for other clubs to rip off our stuff, it has been decided that the geometry files for the new 3D uniforms will not be made public other than in .pov mesh2 format, which is hard to convert or modify.

Please keep in mind that, although we don't use these uniforms in our club anymore, all images stored in those zips are still legal property of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. All usage out of the EH requires permission by the Fleet Commander.

Full Dress Uniform

Standard Duty Uniform

TIE Pilot Flightsuit

TC Uniforms

For more information about the old EH uniforms and medals you may want to have a look at Admiral Khaine's Operation Manual (2003). I have kept it because I thought it was very informative and well-structured, and I put it online again for archive reasons. But keep in mind that this document is from early 2003 and is not the official EH OPS manual anymore.