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3D Models

Here are some models of mine you might find useful when you're doing graphics for the EH. All are in 3ds format.

EH Logo
Logo of the Emperor's Hammer
1.16 MB, 3DS, zipped

This logo is property of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.

EH Logo
Logo of the Emperor's Hammer, lower detail
0.6 MB, 3DS, zipped

This logo is property of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet.
It is the same symbol as the one above, but with lower detail. The circular text and the lines on the symbol are only superficial instead of "cut in", which results in a reduced amount of faces. Depending on the program you use, this might be easier to import.

Imperial Logo
Imperial Symbol
62 KB, 3DS, zipped

There are plenty of other models of the imperial symbol around, but I never found one that I really liked because they always seemed strangely distorted to me (the one at the SWMA for example is just horrible). I don't think there are really "official" measurements for this logo written down anywhere. I took the ones for this from the TESB SE soundtrack CD.
This symbol is property of Lucasfilm.