Operations Manual of the Emperor's Hammer
Operations Manual Contents

Proceedures & Regulations
Award Recommendation & Approval
Award Authority Requirements
Design Submission & Approval
Identification Lines

Awards & Decorations
Medals of the Emperor's Hammer
Unit Citations & Miscellaneous
Medal & Award Abbrevitions

Uniform Regulations
General Uniform Regulations
TIE Pilot Flightsuit
Standard Duty Uniform
Full Dress Uniform
Award Authority Requirements - The medals and decorations able to be bestowed by members of the Emperor's Hammer are dependant on what position they hold. It should be noted that many positions are not able to award anything, unless in the case of some Command Attaches or Advisors that their duties or area of responsibility dictate otherwise. A member of any rank may recommend to their superior or person with requisite authority than an award should be bestowed on someone.

Line Positions
Flight Member None
Flight Leader None
Squadron Commander Imperial Security Medal
Wing Commander Palpatine Crescent and below, Commendation of Bravery
Commodore Bronze Star of the Empire and below, Commendation of Bravery
Battlegroup Commander Silver Star of the Empire and below, Commendation of Bravery

Command Staff and Advisors
Command Attache As dictated by duties or area of responsibility
Advisor As dictated by duties or area of responsibility
Subgroup Commander Silver Star of the Empire and below. The Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood is an exception and may award the Grand Order of the Emperor. Also, most subgroups possess their own types of award or decoration, responsibility for which lies within the subgroup.
Command Staff Gold Star of the Empire and below. Service awards as dictated by duties or area of responsibility
Executive Officer Imperial Cross and below
Fleet Commander Any and all awards up to and including the Emperor's Hammer Medal of Honour

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